Friday, June 09, 2006

Upper Crust


R said...

yum. is this pound cake?

Dirty Fingernails said...

Yes it is Lavender Pound Cake.. It lasted about 5 minutes once the kids got a hold of it!!! It has real lavender in it and adds a bit of a spicy hint to the pound cake.. Thanks for stopping by!!

R said...

wow. might you share the recipe? i don't have any more room in my garden but i wish i had lavender.

Stunned Donor said...

I planted an entire flat with lavander seeds this spring and not one plant. I was so pissed.

Dirty Fingernails said...

Not one plant?? REally?? Did you get a bad batch of seeds??

Stunned Donor said...

who knows? starting seed is a crap shoot without a greenhouse. Okay, off to bed!