Sunday, June 25, 2006

Second Degree Burn


Dirty Fingernails said...

I think burns are far more painful than having babies.. I had mine the old fashioned way , no drugs.. Burns are EVIL!! Thank heavens for codiene...

Stunned Donor said...

I have my burns the old-fashioned way, I've never stuck my hand in the microwave. Oh...babies? Never mind.

Hope the little tyke is okay, but I'm a firm believer in kids being allowed to hurt, but not seriously hurt themselves so they learn things are dangerous.

My cousin's kid is so insulated from anything that could possibly injure him by his parents that I think the first time he gets stung by a bee or falls off a piece of playground equipment he's going to go catatonic.

Dirty Fingernails said...

Can't you tell the kid codiene stoned?
He will survive..
I am the least simpathetic mom out there.. I guess being a nurse you see very bad stuff. So the little stuff is just that little.
I see the moms that are so protective and it drives me nuts..

Stunned Donor said...

My Mom was kind of overprotective, but she also packed me off to boarding school when I was 6 and that place was like Lord Of The Flies, so go figure.

I never had any broken bones as a kid, plenty of scrapes etc. and I'm still alive.

I think our great-great grandparents must have been made of stronger stuff emotionally. There were no antibiotics and a simple cut could be deadly and infant mortality was something like 60%.

Dirty Fingernails said...

You better believe that our ancestors were made of tougher stuff than us.. Mine were pioneers and I don't know how I would ever be able to cross the US on foot with loved ones dying all the time and at the end of the journey have raw bleeding feet.. I tell my kids we are wimps compared to them..
I am not too overprotective..